hi, i’m kelly

I am a Community + Clinical Herbalist and Functional Nutritionist available to support your personal wellness goals and concerns with herbal, nutrition, and lifestyle recommendations.

more about me // what to expect // book a session


about me

The plants called to me slowly over time. Faced with health challenges in my early twenties, I sought out natural medicine and my curiosity bloomed from there. A simple blend of bitters for digestion was one of the first plant medicines I got to know. In time, I began meeting other plant friends and learning their gifts too. 

Through plants, I’ve found a deeper connection to self, others, and the natural world. I approach wellness as a practice and a process, a continuous unfolding. I'm committed to staying present to the process and empowering people through their own times of change.

My practice is trauma-mindful and rooted in deep listening and embodiment. I'm available to work with a variety of health concerns, though especially interested in supporting stress, emotional health, sleep, digestion, and menstrual cycles.

Trusting in the body’s inherent wisdom and ability to heal, my goal is to serve as a guide, working with your unique body, mind, and spirit to co-create a plan of care.

my background


* Clinical Herbalist ~ School of Traditional Healing Arts 2020-2021

* Functional Nutrition Counselor ~ Andrea Nakayama, Functional Nutrition Alliance 2021-2022

* Somatic Embodiment and Regulation Strategies Level I-III ~ Linda Thai 2021

Ongoing Mentorship

* Monday Mentoring with Camille Freeman and Stascha Stahl

Additional Education

* Working with Trauma with Sarah Homes of Blue Otter School of Herbal Medicine Nov-Dec ‘23

* Clinical Roundtable with Ember Peters, Stascha Stahl, and Vilde Chaya Jan-Mar ‘23

* Flowering Round Flower Essence Practitioner Circle with Liz Migliorelli 2022-2023

* Trauma-Informed Herbalism in Clinical Practice ~ American Herbalists Guild 2022

* Advanced Clinical Skills with Ember Peters, Stascha Stahl, and Vilde Chaya 2022

* Pulse and Tongue Mentorship with William Morris PhD, DAOM, LAc 2021

* Donna Eden Energy Medicine Level 1 with Madeleina Bolduc 2021

* Practitioner Skills with Sarah Holmes of Blue Otter School of Herbal Medicine 2021

* Facilitating Stories for Impact with Real Food Real Stories

what to expect


in-depth herbal intake

This 90-minute in-depth herbal consultation is a time to explore your short and long-term needs and goals through past, present, and future. We’ll go through your health history and look at each body system to identify underlying imbalances, patterns, and root causes.

Although we may discuss herbs, nutrition, and practices together, all formal recommendations will be sent via email after our initial consultation. This gives me time to consider everything shared and to do any necessary research to create a plan designed to meet your specific needs and budget.

What this includes:

~ 90-minute in-depth session
~ hours beyond our session for research and formulation
~ detailed email laying out an herbal plan and recommendations
~ one 20-minute outtake to review recommendations

This consultation does not include the cost of herbs. I typically recommend follow-ups every 4-6 weeks. Sessions are currently virtual, in-person sessions available in San Francisco.

The cost of this in-depth herbal intake is $60-$120 sliding scale. Please reach out if you experience financial barriers & wish to discuss other payment options prior to scheduling your consultation.


still have questions?

Curious about herbal medicine, but feeling unsure? Set up a free 15-minute phone call so we can connect. I am happy to share more about my practice, answer any questions about herbalism and nutrition, and explore what a plan of care might look like. Keep in mind, no recommendations will be given during this brief chat.


“as you heal yourself with natural medicine in the form of food and herbs, an additional gift is that the plants begin to reawaken your senses, and with that, your trust in your own perception grows.

it is both empowering and liberating to trust your own senses
(no doubt that’s why it’s so frowned upon)”

— Robin Rose Bennet